Friday, June 13, 2008

Bring on Friday the 13th!

I do realize that Friday the 13th is not completely over, but I'd just like to say that I think this one is bringing me some kind of field of good fortune, rather than bad luck...and it's a hell of a lot better than LAST Friday, that's for sure. Let's just start with a re-cap of last Friday and my little IRS debaucle. I just picked up my paperwork at H&R Block and, indeed, the feds owe ME a few hundred bucks, even after the prep fees I paid to have the forms done. SWEET!!! I'm sure that cash can be diverted to a race fee pronto...I'll just pretend that the IRS is my official sponsor for Troika (a girl who'll never go pro can still dream, right?).

Since my Cranky McCrankington week last week, the Phoenix has definitely been rising on all fronts. There are some damn fine human beings who've entered my life recently (not like the roster wasn't already stacked, but there have been 2 significant gifts named Heather and Amy who fell out of I'm-trying-to-figure-out-where so I can send a thank-you note). I've had a ton of fun this week, and the sun even came out yesterday and I was able to Carpe Diem (yes, I'm using this term as a verb now) a sunny 20 mile bike ride in the afternoon. The only down side is the anticipated wall I'm going to hit when I need to re-cap some of the sleep I've lost the last 2 nights for fun things that have been more important...but whatever...that's what the weekend is for. Good times.

OK, back to re-capping the training log.

I thought I might sleep in a little yesterday, but I woke up at 5:00 with no alarm and decided to go to swim team even though it wasn't really a swim day. Later I got out for a nice 20 mile bike ride to Seward Park and back...really sweet ride and wearing a jersey + arm warmers with NO jacket required made me really happy, especially after how crappy the weather has been lately.

Today, I woke up again a bit wired at 5:00 a.m. despite all intentions to sleep in till a lot went swimming again. This was my 4th swim of the week and my shoulder protested a little, especially since the main set was 20 x 50's. It was great to do a bunch of short fast stuff, but I was feeling the shoulder twinge a bit. Both Julie and I cut the workout short and went over to Stumptown for coffee and Duncan came along shortly. Tatyana wasn't at the pool, so we called and woke her up (oops) to invite her along. She rallied like a champ and staggered in shortly thereafter for the weekly java. Love the Friday coffee klatch!

I'm shooting for the gym and some weights later if the shoulder doesn't protest...


Swim: 3200
20 miles
Avg HR = 120
Avg pace = 15.5

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