I tried to sleep in today and didn't set the alarm. Of course, I woke up promptly at 5:41 a.m., so much for that idea. The sorta taper calendar said "optional-30 minute run-easy." I "optioned" to do it and took the easy part seriously as my legs were feeling pretty heavy from last night's bike workout. I just weaved around my neighborhood again and didn't throw in any big hills...mellow short wake-up run. After the usual vat of coffee, I walked down the hill to work since I abandoned my car downtown yesterday. Everyone tells me not to lift weights the week of a race, but since Saturday is a "B" race, I went to the gym later anyway and did about 2/3 of the usual...
The other errand of the day was to follow up on a Craigslist lead for a ticket to the Indigo Girls' show this Sunday at the zoo...of course the only ticket I could find after searching high and low cost me double the face value. I just don't feel like it's good karma to charge somone double the price...and I even talked her DOWN from the price she posted online. But...obviously, I was willing to pay it because the cool kids are going and I woulda coulda shoulda thought ahead and bought one before they sold out, but didn't. Should be a fun way to wrap up Pride weekend Sunday night.
And the latest wetsuit update...a demo suit is being shipped overnight and I should have it tomorrow, in time for the race on Saturday. We'll see if UPS is as reliable as Craigslist.
30 minute run
3.17 miles
Avg HR = 130
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