Today was a bit of an improvement over yesterday. However, I had a morning meeting and no morning or lunchtime workout, so I was pretty dang sluggish by the afternoon. I left my car downtown and walked home in the sunshine before biking to an appointment and then to Cheryl's bike group this evening. I rode around for a few miles since I had time and then met the bike group at the Japanese Gardens in the arboretum. Tonight was speed work and we went down to Seward Park, around a few times and back...I rode with Karen W. again and we got in 5 x 2 minutes hard/2 minutes recovery and 4 moderate loops of the top of Seward Park. It was a really pretty warm summer evening and a lot of fun to be out there, even though we had a pretty strong headwind on the way back...Bob Seger popped in my head, so I think today's theme song was, "Against the wind." Kind of fits for a few things both on and off the bike lately.
There's a small snafu with the wetsuit repair...apparently, it didn't get sent out for repair until this Monday (although I took it in last Tuesday) and won't be back till next week...augh. There's supposed to be a loan of a demo suit coming my way so I have one for the race, but they didn't exactly call me back yet...
25 mile bike with intervals:
5 x 2 minutes hard/2 minutes recovery
Avg HR on intervals = 142-145 with max of 155
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