Seujan and I have a little sister who turned 13 on Friday. We had a little celebration for her yesterday which included introducing her and her new bike to the Burke Gilman trail, making dinner, and decorating cupcakes...oh, and we gave her some "Heelys." We are SO old and not hip that we had to do research on these things when she said she wanted them and thought they were called "wheelys," so we looked like total dorks asking for the wrong thing in the store last week...but anyway. Heelys are these little deathtrap shoes that have removable rollerskate wheels in the can wear them as regular tennis shoes or put the skate wheels under the heels and skate around--the wheels pop in and out. I'm sure these things are not made in adult sizes and if they were I think it'd be a crime to sell them without helmets, wrist guards, and verification of health insurance...but I digress. The kid loved the heelys and I'm sure will be skating down the hallways of her school today rivaling the speed and athleticism of Apollo Ohno. So anyway, the most amazing occurence of the birthday celebration was that the kid ate broccoli. This is a kid who, as Seujan has described, eats only candy and beige food, preferably synthetic in nature (mac n cheese, bean burritos, corn dogs, fried chicken). Every time we have a meal with her, there are vegetables present, but she rarely touches them and says things like, "You're going to EAT that?" So, long story short, I was raving about how excited I was about broccoli with the spaghetti last night and she took the bait (Seujan says she imitates me sometimes). She actually asked for some and then asked for MORE. Granted, she dumped half a salt shaker's worth of salt on it, but I'm calling it a milestone.
Yesterday also included the longest run of my life to date. And I'm not even sore today(!), but am taking a rest/recovery day today. I got in an 11-miler and felt damn good about it. Below is the run report, boring to anyone but me probably, but I'm logging it for my own reference and because I know that I need to work on pre and during-run nutrition so I want to remember stuff.
Saturday: Biked 39 miles at HR Avg. of 116, but legs felt pretty lousy...had Seujan scoop me and needed a short nap and a lot of food that afternoon.
Saturday night: Ate a LOT of heavily garlic-ed hummus (ok, and 2 beers), later than usual dinner time (9 p.m. or so), at the Elysian. Thirsty during the night, felt the garlic.
Sunday a.m.: Up at 7:00....had one big cup of coffee with goop and an oatmeal raisin clif bar.
Run was from Seward Park to a turn-around 5.5 miles out...measured on bike and car for distance/accuracy.
Run: Started one hour after the Clif Bar, about 8:20 a.m.
First 2 miles very easy: 20 minutes, HR at 135 at mile 2
Took HR up to about 143-146; comfortable working pace.
Mile 4.25 - 5. 25 was about 9:40 at 143 bpm
Mile 5.75 - 6.75 took the HR up to 158 (AT) as instructed by Cheryl: Mile time 8:40
HR back to 143 -145 the rest of the run
Had one sip of water at mile 8
Stomach started feeling lousy between mile 8-9...
Finished 11 miles in 1:44:55. Avg. HR = 146
NOTES: Try something other than a Clif Bar prior to the run and/or eat it 90 minutes prior, not an hour. I'd intended to try Clif Blocks during the run, but stomach felt lousy...will be getting a fuel belt to experiment more with hydration and nutrition WHILE running. This was the 8th day in a row since the last rest day and I logged just under 15 hours of workouts in those 8 days (3 swim, 3 bike--one of which was VERY easy, 3 run, 2 weights).